Friday 8 August 2014

New Starter Spotlight!

We have a new starter here at GES; he goes by the name of Gary and he is one of our new administrators based down in our Head Office in Haddenham, Bucks. He hasn't been here long but is already working super hard to ensure that GES runs smoothly and customers are kept satisfied. Here is Gary's own introduction and backstory....

'Well I’m from Gravesend, Kent originally. I worked as a Trainee Tax assistant for a year, but the work and people were neither challenging nor interesting so I left. I had a mind to join the police force at the time so I started applying but after a slow intake I had to rethink my future a bit.
And I figured to get bit of a springboard I’d apply for university, and that’s what brought me to Buckinghamshire.

I started a Criminology course at Bucks New University and was working through a temp agency part time to help support myself, and through that I've done  everything from warehouse work to software development and quality assurance. During my 3rd year (oddly enough during exam times, but I've never been one for revision :P) I was given a contract for GES. I found the work to be a good challenge and the people really great and luckily Mags seems to like my work and with my course complete she offered me a place here. J

When I’m not at GES I enjoy reading, watching films, playing pool and the occasional hand or two of poker.'
Gary-Super Awesome Administrator

Welcome to the team Gary, its a pleasure to have you with us! :)

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